Robotprogramozás ROS-szal

Műszaki tudományok
Óbudai Egyetem
2 kredit

Oktatók: Levendovics Tamás Dániel


2024. szeptember 9.2024. december 14.
2024. szeptember 2.
2024. szeptember 22.

Lezárt időpontok

2024. február 11.2024. május 18.
2024. február 4.
2024. február 25.
2023. november 19.2023. december 16.
2023. november 16.
2023. november 24.
2023. szeptember 10.2023. december 16.
2023. augusztus 27.
2023. szeptember 10.
2023. március 5.2023. június 4.
2023. február 19.
2023. március 5.
2022. szeptember 18.2022. december 18.
2022. szeptember 4.
2022. szeptember 18.


The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a platform widely used in research and also in the industry. The students will learn how to develop ROS applications in Python programming language. The aim of the course is to get the students acquainted with ROS, and also to give them an opportunity to practice Python.


ROS introduction, setting up the development environment. Implement ROS packages in Python. Basic ROS communication, implementing publishers and subscribers. Principles of robotics, programming a simulated robot in joint and workspace. Roslaunch, ROS parameter server. Acquisition and processing of sensory data in ROS. Programming da Vinci surgical robot in simulated environment. Programming humanoid robot. In simulated environment. Define custom messages. ROS service and ROS action.


Topic 1: Introduction Topic 2: Linux and ROS principles Topic 3: Python principles Topic 4: Publisher, Subscriber Topic 5: Principles of robotics Topic 6: Roslaunch, Rosparam, Rosbag Topic 7: Kinematics, Inverse kinematics Topic 8: Gathering and processing sensory data Topic 9: ROS message, ROS service, ROS action Topic 10: Docker and ROS


The course consists of 2 blocks with 5-5 Topics. Each topic can be started when the Quiz from the previous topic is passed. After Quizzes 5 and 10, Tests 1 and 2 opens respectively, to progress to the second block of 5 Topics, Test 1 needs to be passed.

The Quizzes require a 100% result for passing, and have an 8 minute time constraint. Quizzes have unlimited attempts. The Tests require an at least 70% to pass, and have a 30 minute time constraint. Tests can be attempted only 2 times! In the case of both the Quizzes and the Tests, the highest results from the attempts will count.

The final grade of the course is calculated from the sum of the results from Test 1 and Test 2 as follows:

                                     100%:            5
                                     90% – 99%:   4
                                     80% – 89%:   3
                                     70% – 79%:   2
                                     0% – 69%:     1
Létrehozva: 2022. 09. 01, utoljára módosítva: 2024. 01. 16.